Brasserie Trois Dames Tap Takeover v Port Street Beer House
Thursday 8th March 2018 / Midday-Midnight
Port Street Beer House
After wowing us at IMBC 17, we are excited to present a tap takeover with Switzerland's Trois Dames.
Tap list soon...
"Raphaël Mettler and his team have been brewing beer with a passion since 2003, and their enthusiasm is eminently contagious: the Trois Dames beers from Ste-Croix challenge the taste buds and flatter the eye, and that is exactly what makes them original. We believe in making a top-notch product, the reason why we carefully select fresh ingredients.
Raphaël Mettler has “three ladies” at home, his wife and two daughters, which is why he chose to call his brewery “Trois Dames.” The malts used are from Weyermann in Bavaria and Castle Maltings in Belgium, hops from the finest growers in the Spalt region of Bavaria, Kent, in England and the Yakima valley in the U.S.
Following the creation of the Oud Bruin in 2008 — inspired by the sour brown ales of Flanders, but obtained rather heretically through blending fermented apricots and a strong porter — a whole new brewing universe has opened itself to the Brasserie Trois Dames. We discovered the taste potential and complexity of sour beers and wild yeasts found in fruits and wooden barrels, opening up new taste horizons and bringing a distinct new crispness.
Five years on, and with numerous experiments under our belt, we’re now introducing our own creations. Our trademark is the blend of three fermentation processes: fresh brews, fermented fruit and brews aged in oak barrels. This enables us to source ingredients locally, at least the fruit, since there’s no malting in Switzerland, and barley mostly comes from France, Belgium, or Germany."
Více akcí 8.3.2018