Cruachan 25th Anniversary Celebration with Sk v Button Factory

15.9.2018 17:00
Button Factory
Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland
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We are celebrating 25 years in 2018 and want you to come along for an epic party with us. We will have former members back to play a few old classics with us (Karen Gilligan, Joe Farrel, John Fay, John Clohessy and more). We are planning a "special" version of our classic "Ride On" and other fun stuff. We are also honoured to have Skyclad over from the UK to join in the party, it's been over 15 years since they've played Ireland. Completing the line up will be our good friends in Waylander. Together, on one stage, these 3 bands are THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF FOLK METAL!
This will be a ticketed event, details of tickets to follow!

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