David Feherty - Live Off Tour v McCallum Theatre
How do you describe the offbeat antics of David Feherty? The New York Times called him “a cross between Oprah Winfrey and Johnny Carson.” With a sharp wit and irreverent style, the professional
golfer turned golf analyst, talk show host and sports broadcaster has
made a name for himself as one of the most hilarious and
irrepressible personalities in golf. Of Feherty’s live one-man show, Golf Digest said: “Uncensored and unhinged, and worth the price of admission. It really was stupendous.” The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette raves, “David Feherty was uproariously funny. It was two hours of
zaniness and madcap storytelling. People were coming out of their
seats with laughter.”
Presented through the generosity of Lacern Performance Golf Cars
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