Dyngus Day RVA 2018 & Fundraiser for Shriner' v Castleburg Brewery and Taproom
Yaassss! We know this is way early, but we want you to get ready and get excited for Castleburg's 2nd Annual Dyngus Day RVA 2018! This year's event is going to be even bigger and better than before, so mark your calendars now!
ACCA (Shrine) Temple Sauerkrauts German Band (ignore the word German here and replace with Polish) will be providing live polka music for us this year! All donations made to the band will be given to the Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Miss Dyngus Day RVA 2018 will be crowned during this event as well. All ladies are eligible to enter. You MUST pre-register to participate/compete in this event and help raise money for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. (More info coming)
Richmond Sausage Company will be providing the Polish eats for you! Yummy goodness!! Will update with menu items when we get closer to the date.