Hot Water Music / Tim Barry at The Electric B v Electric Ballroom
Pink Mist & Tidal Concerts proudly present:
Hot Water Music
We’re stoked to announce that legendary Gainesville, Florida quarter Hot Water Music are playing a run of European shows in April 2018. They hit London’s Electric Ballroom on Wednesday April 25th: the first time they’ve played in the UK since 2012.
"It's been FAR too long since we've been overseas." says Jason Black from the band. "The UK and Germany are 2 of our favourite places to play, and we've been lucky enough to experience really amazing shows and support from the folks in both spots for a long time. Needless to say, we're happy to finally be making our way back!"
Talking about the new record, Black says "The most exciting part about this record for us was self-producing and being in control from start to finish," the band said about Light It Up. "We haven't made a record this way since Fuel For the Hate Game. As frightening as it was to not have the safety net and sounding board of a producer, it was just as liberating to make a record that is 100% Hot Water Music, scars and all.
Their new self-produced album, Light It Up, shows a band remaining vital and increasingly relevant in its near-25-year career. Get it now via Rise Records.
Wednesday April 25th 2018 @ The Electric Ballroom
184 Camden High St, London NW1 8QP
£20 ADV | 7:00PM | 14 + (U16 with adult)
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Více akcí 25.4.2018