Tigers Jaw x Slaughter Beach, Dog x Worriers v Muziekcentrum TRIX
MCLX & Mendville Shows presents:
Tigers Jaw’s fifth full-length, spin, marks a new chapter for the Scranton, Pennsylvania-based indie rock band for many reasons: Not only is it the first collection of songs that was completely written and recorded solely by Ben Walsh and Brianna Collins, but it was also the first time they had a full month in the studio without having to worry about outside responsibilities.
Slaughter Beach, Dog began as a cure for writer's block -- an outlet for Jake Ewald (of Modern Baseball) to experiment with styles that didn't fit within the well-defined territory of his former project. Ewald quickly discovered a talent for this format and penned a collection of conversational tunes that float between folk, indie, punk and alternative rock. His ability to isolate and compile daily human interactions give vibrancy and value to these otherwise mundane experiences.
Worriers are a melodic punk band from Brooklyn, New York. They released their second LP “Survival Pop” with SideOneDummy Records. Worriers has toured with Beach Slang, Against Me!, The Falcon, Smith Street Band, and more.
2000 Antwerpen
€ 16/€ 19