Upcoming: Gauthier Toux Trio v Jazzhus Montmartre, Copenhagen
(English below)
Upcoming får denne aften besøg fra Frankrig, når den prisvindende pianist Gauthier Toux spiller med sin trio igennem fem år. Trioen har to højt anmelderroste albums bag sig, og i maj måned udgav de det tredje album "The Colours You See" (udgivet på engelske Naim Records, som bl.a. udgiver Sons of Kemet).
Trioen består af tre unge eksponenter fra den europæiske jazz scene. Alle tre er dybt forankret i jazz traditionen, men henter også inspiration fra electronica, rock, hip-hop og meget andet.
Mest iørefaldende ved trioen er deres sublime sammenspil og den originale, moderne kompositionsstil. Vi glæder os til at præsentere dem!
Billet (kun i døren) DKK 100,-
Dør: 19.00
Koncert: 20.00
With his third album “The colours you see” (out on UK label Naim Records on May 4th – a label home to Yazz Ahmed, Sons of Kemet…) as the leader of his trio, pianist Gauthier Toux has tried to highlight his very personal approach to colours. Ever since he was discovered to be colour-blind, he has never ceased to wonder about alternative ways in which they can be perceived, venturing beyond the names assigned to each of them. Each new composition is like the setting to music of anecdotes which relate me to these lights and shades.
Formed in October 2013, the Gauthier Toux Trio brings together three young exponents from the European jazz scene. All three are enthusiasts of the jazz tradition, but are also into electronic music, rock, hip-hop - they are on the same page both personally and musically.
After almost four years playing and travelling together and two albums, More than Ever (2015) and Unexpected Things (2016, NoMadMusic), both critically acclaimed (France Musique’s Choix award, ‘Albums of the month’ selection in Les Inrocks, April 2016, TSF Jazz radio, FIP’s ‘Club Jazz’) there is a sense of brotherhood and unity about these three musicians which manifests itself in music whose key quality is its sincerity.
The Gauthier Toux Trio won prizes at the 2016 Jazz à La Défense national competition, the 2016 Jazz Or Jazz competition, and Jazz à Vienne’s RéZZo Focal in 2017.
Ticket (Door only): DKK 100,-
Door: 19.00
Concert: 20.00
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