Women Got Game: Social Board Game Night for W v Gameopolis
Over the years running Gameopolis, I've noticed first-hand that women who play board games, particularly strategy games, continue to be less prevalent. Though women board gamers have been on the rise, it's been a slow pace.
With the help of my Gameopolis team - women who are passionate about all things board games - we've decided to host a monthly "Women Got Game" social board gaming night.
Learn a new strategy game or teach other women your favourite. Get competitive or play cooperative. Attend with a friend or make some new ones.
Join us for our first event on Wednesday April 11th at 7pm. It's $5/player for unlimited game play. Seating can fill up quickly, so best to show up near the start.
This is a queer-friendly, accessible space.
*Women-identified, trans, non-binary, genderqueer welcome!