Cask Beer 2018 v Affinity Brew Co.
A beer festival with a difference.
This will change the way you think about cask ale forever.
30 of the best, most imaginative breweries in the UK, creating some very special, in some cases one-off, beers.
We’re focussing on three distinct areas to counteract the recent downturn in cask, in order to encourage debate and help to save our most precious serving style.
Treatment of beer
Serving of beer
We're also, as we speak, putting together a mouthwatering selection of food stalls to complement this phenomenal beer.
In order to ensure a good experience for all, and to control numbers, we've decided to make tickets available for the event. This £5 ticket gets you your festival glass and your first pour of wonderful cask beer of your choice; we hope you'll agree that this represents pretty excellent value. Link:
We can’t wait.
See you there!