From Cairo with Love v Zahir - Dance & Music Production
Plesna delavnica z "našo" Ano.
Street Shaabi....
Več o Ani: I started bellydancing 7 years ago as a hobby but it soon became my passion. From the beginning I started going to different workshops and festivals around Europe and each year I visit festivals in Cairo. Since then I traveled and performed around the world, including Europe, Middle East and even 2 months and half long touring all over China.
Infusion Project in 2011 ( traveling all over Europe)
• Jillina’s Bellydance Evolution Shows; The Dark Side of the Crown in 2012 (Germany) • Jillina’s Bellydance Evolution Shows; Alice in Wonderland in 2015 (Germany and Slovenia) • Jillina’s Bellydance Evolution Shows; Alice in Wonderland in 2016 (34 cities in China)
In 2013 I moved to Hurghada and started working as a bellydancer where I performed in various 5 starts hotels and weddings and in June 2016 I moved to Cairo. I’m performing in 5 starts hotels, boats, weddings and parties and many times I dance at parties in Sahel, Ain Sokhna, Sharm el Sheikh and Asuan. Besides bellydancing, I’m working also as a model and actress and was part of many commercials, music videos, Ramadan serials, movies and photoshoots.
Ana je začela plesati pred sedmimi leti....Kmalu je ta njena ljubezen (hobi) prerasla v strast, ki jo spremlja in raste še danes... Trenutno živi in dela v Kairu. Po dveh letih se za kratkih deset dni vrača domov in seveda z veseljem si bo vzela čas in svoje znanje delila tudi z nami...
Plesale in učile se bomo moderni stil orientalskega plesa SHAABI...
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