Joan Chamorro i Les Joves Estrelles de Sant A v Festival Mas i Mas

7.8.2018 18:00
Festival Mas i Mas
Trafalgar 4, 13B, Barcelona, Spain
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Si hi ha un jazzman inquiet al nostre país, no és cap altre que el saxofonista Joan Chamorro, conegut tan per la seva feina al capdavant de la Sant Andreu Jazz Band com pel seu paper com a baríton en tota classe de formacions jazzístiques. Joan Chamorro i companyia emularan el registre nevulós i entranyable d’un jazz teixit des de la calma i amb les melodies dolces de l’edat d’or del swing.


If there is one unstoppable jazzman in this country, it is none other than saxophonist Joan Chamorro, known both for his work as founder and leader of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band and his role as a baritone in all kinds of jazz formations. Chamorro and company always delivers, so expect lots of smooth and classy finger clicking tunes from the golden age of swing.

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