New DAYTIME Bungee Fitness Classes v Pole Sessions - Worsley
Tuesday 11am
Only £5 a class or 6 for £25
Also every Tuesday 6pm and Wednesday 8.15pm
What is it you may ask… Well… We use body harnesses and resistant bungee cord. We strap you in and literally fly around the room!
It’s a high intensity workout guaranteed to lose pounds and tone up your body. Every muscle group in your body will be worked and its fab for core muscles. The bungee and harness allows you to perform manoeuvres that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. You’ll be able to float weightlessly over the floor, fly around like peter pan and have great fun.
Our Bungee workout offers an extremely high cardio class that metabolism going to start burning fat immediately without putting stress on joints. Bungee workouts are a combination of core training, cardiovascular exercise, and resistance training.
Více akcí 13.3.2018